爱帝宫作为母婴服务行业的领军企业,经营月子中心十七年,融合现代医学与传统精粹,聚集产科、儿科、营养、心理、护理等方面的专家团队,以优雅的环境、精心的护理,形成了提供孕期营养指导、月子期护理服务、月子餐、婴幼儿早教、产后修复等五大服务模块核心能力,为妈妈和宝宝提供科学专业的一站式月子入住服务,解决月子期宝宝护理、产后妈妈恢复等难题,让妈妈宝宝得到更全面、专业的指导与护理。至今已在深圳、北京、成都、厦门、东莞、广州开设了爱帝宫品牌,于珠海及无锡开设了月格格品牌月子中心,合共十六间店(中心)。 愛帝宮作為母嬰服務行業的領軍企業,經營月子中心十七年,融合現代醫學與傳統精粹,聚集產科、兒科、營養、心理、護理等方面的專家團隊,以優雅的環境、精心的護理,形成了提供孕期營養指導、月子期護理服務、月子餐、嬰幼兒早教、產後修復等五大服務模塊核心能力,為媽媽和寶寶提供科學專業的一站式月子入住服務,解決月子期寶寶護理、產後媽媽恢復等難題,讓媽媽寶寶得到更全面、專業的指導與護理。至今已在深圳、北京、成都、廈門、東莞、廣州開設了愛帝宮品牌,於珠海及無錫開設了月格格品牌月子中心,合共十六間店(中心)。 As a leading enterprise in the maternal and infant service industry, Aidi Palace has operated the maternity center for 17 years, integrating modern medicine and traditional essence, gathering experts in obstetrics, pediatrics, nutrition, psychology, nursing and other aspects, with an elegant environment and careful care. It has formed the core capabilities of five service modules, including nutrition guidance during pregnancy, nursing service during childbirth, meal for infants, early education for infants, and postpartum repair, providing scientific and professional one-stop hospitalization services for mothers and babies, solving problems such as maternity care and postpartum mother recovery, so that mothers and babies can get more comprehensive and professional guidance and care. So far, it has opened the brand of Adigong in Shenzhen, Beijing, Chengdu, Xiamen, Dongguan and Guangzhou, and opened the brand of Yuege Yuezi Center in Zhuhai and Wuxi, with a total of 16 stores (centers).
2023年12月,组合爱帝宫事业部推出非入住组合式母婴月子服务新业务并进入到非入住月子服务新市场,并分别于泉州及福州开设了组合爱帝宫服务中心。组合爱帝宫品牌服务中心提供的非入住组合式母婴月子服务业务内容包括:到家月子护理服务、月子餐到家服务、产后修复服务、婴幼儿早教服务及孕期营养指导等,客户可根据自身不同需求,自主选择服务组合,以实现个性化消费。 2023年12月,組合愛帝宮事業部推出非入住組合式母嬰月子服務新業務並進入到非入住月子服務新市場,並分別於泉州及福州開設了組合愛帝宮服務中心。組合愛帝宮品牌服務中心提供的非入住組合式母嬰月子服務業務內容包括:到家月子護理服務、月子餐到家服務、產後修復服務、嬰幼兒早教服務及孕期營養指導等,客戶可根據自身不同需求,自主選擇服務組合,以實現個性化消費。 In December 2023, the division launched the new business of non-occupancy combined maternal and child maternity service and entered the new market of non-occupancy maternity service, and opened the combined Palace service center in Quanzhou and Fuzhou respectively. The non-residential combined maternal and child services provided by the brand service center include: home maternity care service, home maternity meal service, postpartum repair service, infant early education service and nutrition guidance during pregnancy, etc. Customers can choose the service combination independently according to their different needs to achieve personalized consumption.