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香港主板上市:00286.HK 香港主板上市:00286.HK Hong Kong main board listing: 00286.HK

产后瑜伽 產後瑜伽 Postpartum yoga

爱帝宫产后瑜伽致力于为产后妈妈提供健康、安全、有效的产后修复塑形服务,课程涵盖裂腹收紧、骨盆矫正、盆底肌修复、肩颈后腰去痛、气血调理康复、内脏胸部提升等内容。目前,爱帝宫拥有一支专业领先、经验丰富的产后瑜伽修复团队,团队的瑜伽老师均来自国内知名的瑜伽学院,拥有5年以上产后瑜伽教学经验,秉承科学的教学理念,通过为产后妈妈量身定制产后修复课程,实现由里到外,去痛变美,由上到下,重塑线条。 愛帝宮產後瑜伽致力於為產後媽媽提供健康、安全、有效的產後修復塑形服務,課程涵蓋裂腹收緊、骨盆矯正、盆底肌修復、肩頸后腰去痛、氣血調理康復、內臟胸部提升等內容。目前,愛帝宮擁有一支專業領先、經驗豐富的產後瑜伽修復團隊,團隊的瑜伽老師均來自國內知名的瑜伽學院,擁有5年以上產後瑜伽教學經驗,秉承科學的教學理念,通過為產後媽媽量身定制產後修復課程,實現由里到外,去痛變美,由上到下,重塑線條。 Aidi Palace Postpartum Yoga is committed to providing healthy, safe and effective postpartum repair and shaping services for postpartum mothers. The course covers split belly tightening, pelvic correction, pelvic floor muscle repair, shoulder and neck back pain, Qi and blood conditioning rehabilitation, Visceral chest lift and more. At present, the Emperor Palace has a professional and experienced postpartum yoga repair team. The team's yoga teachers are from well-known yoga colleges in China. They have more than 5 years of postnatal yoga teaching experience, adhering to the scientific teaching concept, and serving as a postpartum mother. Tailored postpartum repair courses, from inside to outside, to pain and beauty, from top to bottom, reshape the lines.
爱帝宫产后瑜伽致力于为产后妈妈提供健康、安全、有效的产后修复塑形服务,课程涵盖裂腹收紧、骨盆矫正、盆底肌修复、肩颈后腰去痛、气血调理康复、内脏胸部提升等内容。目前,爱帝宫拥有一支专业领先、经验丰富的产后瑜伽修复团队,团队的瑜伽老师均来自国内知名的瑜伽学院,拥有5年以上产后瑜伽教学经验,秉承科学的教学理念,通过为产后妈妈量身定制产后修复课程,实现由里到外,去痛变美,由上到下,重塑线条。 愛帝宮產後瑜伽致力於為產後媽媽提供健康、安全、有效的產後修復塑形服務,課程涵蓋裂腹收緊、骨盆矯正、盆底肌修復、肩頸后腰去痛、氣血調理康復、內臟胸部提升等內容。目前,愛帝宮擁有一支專業領先、經驗豐富的產後瑜伽修復團隊,團隊的瑜伽老師均來自國內知名的瑜伽學院,擁有5年以上產後瑜伽教學經驗,秉承科學的教學理念,通過為產後媽媽量身定制產後修復課程,實現由里到外,去痛變美,由上到下,重塑線條。 Aidi Palace Postpartum Yoga is committed to providing healthy, safe and effective postpartum repair and shaping services for postpartum mothers. The course covers split belly tightening, pelvic correction, pelvic floor muscle repair, shoulder and neck back pain, Qi and blood conditioning rehabilitation, Visceral chest lift and more. At present, the Emperor Palace has a professional and experienced postpartum yoga repair team. The team's yoga teachers are from well-known yoga colleges in China. They have more than 5 years of postnatal yoga teaching experience, adhering to the scientific teaching concept, and serving as a postpartum mother. Tailored postpartum repair courses, from inside to outside, to pain and beauty, from top to bottom, reshape the lines.
地址:香港湾仔港湾道26号华润大厦36楼3607室 地址:香港灣仔港灣道26號華潤塔樓36樓3607室 Address: Room 3607, 36F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
电话:(852)2620-6623 電話:(852)2620-6623 Tel: (852) 2620-6623 香港主板上市 香港主板上市: Hong Kong main board listing: 00286.HK 00286.HK 00286.HK