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香港主板上市:00286.HK 香港主板上市:00286.HK Hong Kong main board listing: 00286.HK

月子中心 月子中心 Month center

爱帝宫月子中心从2007年开始,深耕母婴健康领域,专注于为妈妈和宝宝提供科学专业的一站式月子入住服务,始终坚持“科学坐月子”理念,融现代医学与传统精粹于一体,结合现代医学、心理学、营养学、护理学等综合学科知识,聚集一批产科、儿科、营养、心理、护理等方面的专家团队,开创了新生儿健康护理、新生儿早早期智力开发、产后妈妈康复、产后妈妈美体塑形、中医调理保健、母婴专业营养等九大月子服务体系,解决月子期宝宝护理、产后妈妈恢复等难题,给妈妈宝宝更科学、全面的呵护,让宝宝健康成长、妈妈舒心靓丽、家庭和谐幸福。 愛帝宮月子中心從2007年開始,深耕母嬰健康領域,專注於為媽媽和寶寶提供科學專業的一站式月子入住服務,始終堅持“科學坐月子”理念,融現代醫學與傳統精粹於一體,結合現代醫學、心理學、營養學、護理學等綜合學科知識,聚集一批產科、兒科、營養、心理、護理等方面的專家團隊,開創了新生兒健康護理、新生兒早早期智力開發、產後媽媽康復、產後媽媽美體塑形、中醫調理保健、母嬰專業營養等九大月子服務體系,解決月子期寶寶護理、產後媽媽恢復等難題,給媽媽寶寶更科學、全面的呵護,讓寶寶健康成長、媽媽舒心靚麗、家庭和諧幸福。 Since 2007, the Emperor's Palace Confinement Center has been deeply involved in the field of maternal and infant health, focusing on providing a scientific one-stop confinement service for mothers and babies. It has always adhered to the concept of “confinement by science” and integrated modern medicine and tradition. Essence in one, combined with comprehensive knowledge of modern medicine, psychology, nutrition, nursing, etc., gathered a group of expert teams in obstetrics, pediatrics, nutrition, psychology, nursing, etc., and pioneered neonatal health care, early and early neonatal Nine confinement service systems such as intellectual development, postpartum mother rehabilitation, postpartum mother body shaping, traditional Chinese medicine conditioning and health care, and professional nutrition for mothers and babies, which can solve the problems of confinement of baby during confinement and recovery of postpartum mothers. Take care of your baby to grow up healthily, make her mother comfortable and beautiful, and her family harmonious and happy.
爱帝宫月子中心从2007年开始,深耕母婴健康领域,专注于为妈妈和宝宝提供科学专业的一站式月子入住服务,始终坚持“科学坐月子”理念,融现代医学与传统精粹于一体,结合现代医学、心理学、营养学、护理学等综合学科知识,聚集一批产科、儿科、营养、心理、护理等方面的专家团队,开创了新生儿健康护理、新生儿早早期智力开发、产后妈妈康复、产后妈妈美体塑形、中医调理保健、母婴专业营养等九大月子服务体系,解决月子期宝宝护理、产后妈妈恢复等难题,给妈妈宝宝更科学、全面的呵护,让宝宝健康成长、妈妈舒心靓丽、家庭和谐幸福。 愛帝宮月子中心從2007年開始,深耕母嬰健康領域,專注於為媽媽和寶寶提供科學專業的一站式月子入住服務,始終堅持“科學坐月子”理念,融現代醫學與傳統精粹於一體,結合現代醫學、心理學、營養學、護理學等綜合學科知識,聚集一批產科、兒科、營養、心理、護理等方面的專家團隊,開創了新生兒健康護理、新生兒早早期智力開發、產後媽媽康復、產後媽媽美體塑形、中醫調理保健、母嬰專業營養等九大月子服務體系,解決月子期寶寶護理、產後媽媽恢復等難題,給媽媽寶寶更科學、全面的呵護,讓寶寶健康成長、媽媽舒心靚麗、家庭和諧幸福。 Since 2007, the Emperor's Palace Confinement Center has been deeply involved in the field of maternal and infant health, focusing on providing a scientific one-stop confinement service for mothers and babies. It has always adhered to the concept of “confinement by science” and integrated modern medicine and tradition. Essence in one, combined with comprehensive knowledge of modern medicine, psychology, nutrition, nursing, etc., gathered a group of expert teams in obstetrics, pediatrics, nutrition, psychology, nursing, etc., and pioneered neonatal health care, early and early neonatal Nine confinement service systems such as intellectual development, postpartum mother rehabilitation, postpartum mother body shaping, traditional Chinese medicine conditioning and health care, and professional nutrition for mothers and babies, which can solve the problems of confinement of baby during confinement and recovery of postpartum mothers. Take care of your baby to grow up healthily, make her mother comfortable and beautiful, and her family harmonious and happy.
地址:香港湾仔港湾道26号华润大厦36楼3607室 地址:香港灣仔港灣道26號華潤塔樓36樓3607室 Address: Room 3607, 36F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
电话:(852)2620-6623 電話:(852)2620-6623 Tel: (852) 2620-6623 香港主板上市 香港主板上市: Hong Kong main board listing: 00286.HK 00286.HK 00286.HK